10+ Best Pregnancy Tracker Apps To Take Care Of Your Bump And Health

Plan your family ahead and start a new chapter of your life with these best pregnancy tracker apps


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If you are planning to start your family then you definitely need to make changes in your lifestyle and start taking responsibility. A baby can change your whole life and you may ensure that you have taken care of every possible thing but there is something that you can miss out on no matter what.
You as a new parent tend to come up with questions that have no solutions sometimes and you are more considerate about your healthcare then you ever were. Well, your questions now have an answer and they are as easy as downloading these mobile applications that can help you plan ahead and know that your baby is healthy.

Our Top Picks

Below mentioned apps are our top picks to make your pregnancy stress-free! Some of these apps work as an information hub for you while others help you in keeping track of your contractions. You can also use some apps mentioned below for workouts that will make you healthier and benefit you throughout the pregnancy period.

Top Pregnancy Apps To Ease All Your Worries in 2022

Here is a list curated for you that will answer all your questions regarding you and your baby’s health while suggesting tips and tricks to calm your stress down.


HiMommy prepares you for the future of your baby and publishes articles for different stages of your pregnancy from the baby’s perspective to create a different connection. With simple UI and interesting graphics, you can know about your due date and bodily changes to avoid stress.

Features of HiMommy the best pregnancy app

  • Receive notifications on a determined time about new articles
  • Get information about every week of your pregnancy phase
  • Know about the length and weight of your baby till your delivery
  • Update yourself with all the important things you might need after the baby birth

    Full Term

    This mobile application is one of a kind and keeps tracks of all your contractions with durations. You don’t need to immediately open the app to note them down, you can send your contraction details to a healthcare expert via email and they will add it on the app for you.

    Features of Full Term free baby tracker app

    • Note, edit or delete each contraction by specifying the intensity
    • Add the number of times your baby kicked inside your belly
    • Built-in graphs to monitor your labor progress
    • Track your weight throughout your pregnancy while adding notes


      Baby2Body takes good care of you by posting personalized workout sessions to help your stay fit and calm your mind with beneficial yoga exercises. You can also see recipes and information about what you can eat during your pregnancy that will not harm the baby and you.

      Features of Baby2Body top-rated pregnancy app

      • A timeline to track your week and other milestones that you have achieved
      • Receive baby’s tip according to your week of pregnancy
      • Different pelvic floor exercises for smooth contractions
      • Track all your exercises and water intake habits

        Pregnancy +

        This application is highly customizable and anyone from your family can use it to see the growth of the baby. Pregnancy + follows all your pregnancy week by week and takes daily information. It records every contraction, kicks and so forth to let you know about your baby’s health.

        Features of Pregnancy + best pregnancy tracker app

        • Know the size of the baby by comparing it with any object
        • Works as a personal diary for you where you can write your anxious feelings
        • Maintains a weight log to see if you are healthy
        • Choose from thousands of names for your baby
Categories: Technology