How to Create and Apply Photoshop Filters

Photoshop filters are powerful tools that can drastically alter the appearance of your images, adding artistic effects, enhancing details, or correcting imperfections. Mastering how to create and apply filters can elevate your photo editing skills and provide creative possibilities for your projects. This guide will cover how to effectively use built-in Photoshop filters and create custom ones to achieve the desired effects.

Applying Built-In Filters in Photoshop

  1. Accessing Filters:
    • Open Your Image: Start by opening your image in Photoshop. Ensure you have the layer you want to edit selected in the Layers panel.
    • Navigate to Filters: Go to the top menu and select Filter. This will open a dropdown menu displaying a range of filter categories, including Blur, Sharpen, Distort, and Artistic.
  2. Applying a Filter:
    • Choose a Filter: Click on a filter category to reveal the options available. For example, under Blur, you might find options like Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, or Lens Blur.
    • Adjust Settings: After selecting a filter, a dialog box will usually appear, allowing you to adjust specific settings. For instance, Gaussian Blur will let you adjust the Radius to control the blurriness level.
    • Preview and Apply: Use the Preview checkbox to see how the filter affects your image in real time. Once satisfied with the adjustments, click OK to apply the filter.
  3. Using Smart Filters:
    • Convert to Smart Object: To make filters non-destructive, convert your layer to a Smart Object by right-clicking on the layer in the Layers panel and selecting Convert to Smart Object. This allows you to apply and adjust filters without permanently altering your original image.
    • Apply Smart Filters: After converting, you can apply filters as usual. They will appear under Smart Filters in the Layers panel, and you can double-click on the filter name to adjust settings or remove it if needed.

Creating and Applying Custom Filters

  1. Creating Custom Filters with Filter Gallery:
    • Access Filter Gallery: Go to Filter > Filter Gallery. This opens a new window where you can apply multiple filters in a non-destructive manner.
    • Choose and Customize Filters: Within the Filter Gallery, you can combine different filters and customize their settings. For example, you can apply the Poster Edges filter and then add a Glowing Edges filter on top.
    • Save Your Custom Filter: Once you’ve achieved the desired effect, click OK to apply the custom filter settings to your image. You can save this setup as a preset for future use by selecting Save Preset from the Filter Gallery dialog.
  2. Creating Custom Filters with Actions:
    • Record an Action: Go to Window > Actions to open the Actions panel. Click on the Create New Action button and start recording. Apply a series of filters and adjustments as you would normally.
    • Stop Recording: Once you’ve applied the filters and settings you want, click the Stop Recording button in the Actions panel. Your custom filter effect is now saved as an action.
    • Apply the Action: To apply your custom filter to another image, select the action from the Actions panel and click Play. This will execute the recorded steps and apply the same effects to your new image.
  3. Experimenting with Filter Combinations:
    • Layer Effects: Try combining multiple filters on different layers. For example, apply a Sharpen filter to a duplicate layer and set it to Overlay mode for enhanced details.
    • Layer Masks: Use layer masks to apply filters selectively. For instance, apply a Blur filter to a layer and then use a layer mask to only blur specific areas of the image.


Creating and applying filters in Photoshop can transform your images and give you greater control over their final appearance. Whether you’re using built-in filters for quick adjustments or creating custom filters for unique effects, Photoshop’s powerful filtering tools offer endless creative possibilities. By mastering these techniques, you can enhance your photos, achieve professional-quality results, and develop your own signature editing style.

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