How to turn off mobile data for certain apps on samsung



In order to minimise expenses and maximise functionality, smartphone users must limit their mobile data usage. Even though Samsung and other Android smartphones include a number of capabilities to track data usage, users frequently look for ways to block mobile data for particular apps only. We’ll go over how to disable mobile data for certain apps on Samsung devices in this in-depth guide, giving users more control over how much data they use.


Understanding Mobile Data Usage on Samsung Devices

Understanding how mobile data usage is monitored and controlled on Samsung devices is essential before delving into the techniques to turn off mobile data for particular apps. Android systems generally offer comprehensive data usage analytics, enabling users to track usage both by individual apps and overall.


Method 1: Using Built-in Data Usage Controls

Samsung devices come with built-in tools for controlling data usage, such as the capacity to limit background data use and specific app data usage.


First, go to the Data Usage Settings.Open the settings menu on the device and find the “Connections” or “Network & Internet” section. To see comprehensive data consumption information, tap “Data Usage” from there.

Step 2: App Selection for Data Restrictions


You can see a list of installed apps and their corresponding data usage statistics under the Data Usage settings. To disable the “Background data” switch for a particular app, tap on it and move the switch to the “off” position.

Step 3: Setting Data Usage Limits (Optional


Samsung devices give consumers the option to establish data consumption limitations for certain apps, providing them with even more control over data usage. Choose the app of your choice from the Data Usage options, then hit “Set data limit.” To set a data use threshold for the chosen app, follow the instructions.

Method 2: Utilizing App Settings


Certain applications, especially those created by Samsung or other well-known developers, come with built-in settings for controlling data usage.

First, go to the app’s settings.


To disable mobile data for an app, navigate to its settings menu. Usually, you can access the app’s settings by tapping on your profile or avatar within it or by selecting a menu item.

Step 2: Disabling Mobile Data Usage


Once you’re in the app settings menu, check for settings pertaining to network configuration or data consumption. You might discover toggles or checkboxes to prevent the use of mobile data depending on the app.

Method 3: Using Third-Party Apps


Users can increase their control over mobile data consumption by utilising third-party apps that are accessible on the Google Play Store in addition to the built-in options.

Step 1: Selecting a Third-Party App


Look through the Play Store for apps made especially to control data usage. A few well-liked choices are 3G Watchdog, NetGuard, and DataEye.

Step 2: Configuration and Installing


Select the app to install from the Play Store, then adhere to the setup guidelines. For these programmes to monitor data usage and access network settings, permissions are usually needed.

Step 3: Setting Up App-Specific Preferences


You have the ability to control data use by app within the third-party app. To disable mobile data for any app, follow the instructions provided by the app in accordance with your choices.


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