More than a month after releasing iOS 18.1, Apple launched iOS 18.2 in December. Some iPhones now have a few new Apple Intelligence capabilities, such as Genmoji and the Image Playground app, thanks to the update. If you’d like, you can also bring the volume bar back to your lock screen.
See also: All the Information You Require About iOS 18
When Apple launched iOS 16 in 2022, the volume bar was removed from the Lock Screen. This meant that if you wanted to adjust the volume of music or podcasts without unlocking your iPhone, you had to use the volume buttons on the side of the device.
You can adjust your volume by pressing the buttons.
quantity, but this can force you to choose between a volume that is just a bit too loud or too low. With iOS 18.2, you may more accurately control your volume without unlocking your iPhone by bringing the volume bar back to your lock screen.
Here’s how to get the volume bar back on your iOS 18.2 lock screen.
How to access your iPhone’s volume bar
1. Go to Settings.
2. Tap Accessibility.
3. Tap Audio & Visual under Hearing.
4. Tap the toggle next to Always Show Volume Control.
On an iPhone, the American Hysteria podcast is playing.
Apple/CNET Screenshot
You may now adjust the level the next time you’re on the bus or at the gym listening to music or a podcast by using the
slider on your lock screen.
See our iOS 18 cheat sheet, iOS 18.2.1, and iOS 18.2 for more information on iOS 18. You may also see what iOS 18.3 might bring to your iPhone.